We come from many yesterdays.
Pain travels through family lines until someone is ready to heal it in themselves. By going through the agony of healing, you no longer pass the poison chalice onto the generations that follow. It is incredibly important & sacred work. - Anonymous

Collective Consciousness
Yes it is true, one conscious person can affect the whole collective.
If we heal us, we heal both our past and future generations.
Healing ancestral patterns happens in the same way by carrying out the revolution of consciousness we discussed in the last chapter.
We have the power to free ourselves and our future generations from ancestral patterns by observing them with non-judgement. We do not tag them as good and bad but we just observe them and let them pass. When get attached to them or resist them that they persist.
If you’ll begin to observe the family tree or the history of your ancestors, you’ll come across family patterns, patterns of diseases, patterns of failures, patterns of limited beliefs, traumas, addictions, conflicts, violence etc.
We can choose to visit them with detached observation and close the cycles of pain which have been carried forward for ages.
“If we’re healing and transforming the wounds we carry from those who came before, we’re also changing the trajectory of those who come after.” Dr. Judith Rich
Dr. Judith Rich also said, “It takes courage to do the work of healing. It's not comfortable, convenient or easy. It's not "business as usual," or maintaining the status quo. It means the end of denial, pretending and avoiding. It means being radically honest with yourself and those around you. This kind of honesty won't necessarily win popularity contests, but it will recalibrate your DNA.”
The more patterns we get aware off, we are able to detach from them. The more we break that matrix, more we free us and our generations to follow. More free we become of these patterns and cycles, more we can access our heart completely.
This process is also called Ancestral healing. Here we first realise and then release inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by our ancestors.
“The most important thing that this world needs are people who choose to access their heart completely.” Kyle Cease
Some affirmations and prayers for Ancestral healing or healing past,
present and future timelines
1) I am healing and releasing ‘name of disease’ (for example anxiety)from my bloodline.
I am healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and financially.
2) I am healing patterns of ‘failure in love’ from my bloodline. I have a successful relationship with my spouse and happy and satisfied love life.
3) I am healing patterns of ‘betrayal in business’ from my bloodline. I have awesome people who help me grow my business and we all grow together into successful people.
4) I am healing patterns of unhealthy relationship with parents and siblings from my bloodline. I am releasing all grudges children have from parents and all grudges which parents have from children from past, present and future timeline. I am releasing all sibling rivalry and competitiveness from my family timeline. We are a happy family and love and express our love to each other. We happily allow the other to be and accept them unconditionally. We spend quality time together and have a great communication in our relationships. We are secure in our relationships. We allow each other to be in our power. There’s mutual respect, space and love between parents and children.
5) I am healing patterns of unhealthy relationship with spouse from my bloodline. I am healing all grudges from partners and all competitiveness and control mechanisms between partners from bloodline. We understand and love each other unconditionally in our marriage. Our love life is a success. We allow each other to be in our power. We are secure in our love. We trust each other and allow space for other to grow.
6) I am healing the patterns of greed of love, stealing attention and creating drama for attention from past, present and future timeline. I allow love to freely and abundantly flow in our lives.
7) I am healing all unhealthy relationships, grudges & curses with in-laws from family timeline. I allow happy and smooth relationship with in-laws with mutual trust and respect and lots of space.
8) I am healing patterns of ‘obstacles in becoming a successful businessman, successful parent & successful child or achieving success at all levels’ from my bloodline. I am successful at all levels.
9) I am healing all patterns of toxic relations with parents from my bloodline.
10) I am releasing patterns of being tied in a service or job and serving others and I allow myself to be the first billionaire in my family.
11) I am releasing all the greed and selfishness that I carry within from my bloodline. I allow myself to be in an abundance mindset.
12) I am releasing all the inferiority complexes and superiority complexes and patterns of jealousy that I carry in me and that doesn’t let me grow from my timeline. I am humble and abundant. And I work for my abundant successful life.
13) I am releasing all people pleasing to be successful in my career from my bloodline. I allow my excellence in my work to speak for itself and give me my abundance.
14) I am releasing all patterns of debt from my bloodline. I allow me to be my family’s first billionaire.
15) I am releasing the pattern of being dependent on men for my own abundance. I am releasing generational pattern of getting married for security, safety and abundance. I am my own abundance. And enjoy abundance in my timeline, past, present & future. There’s always more than I can spend for me.
16) I am releasing fear of God and limited beliefs around Karma and fear of karma which doesn’t let me be. I release it from past, present and future timeline. It is safe for me to shine and stand in my power. I love God and God loves me the way I am. I release all self judgement and self-sabotage from my timeline.
17) I am releasing the belief that job is a must for success from my family timelines. I allow myself and my family’s present n future generations to make my billions in their own calling. I allow my abundance with the awesome films I make and books I write. (You can add your list here)
18) I release the slavery or ‘slog it out’ attitude from my family lineage. I allow myself and my family’s present n future generations to be financially a roaring success, easily.
19) I release all patterns of betrayal, sabotage from colleagues, co-workers and bosses and exploitation from my bloodline. I am honest in all of my interactions. I am a man/woman of my word. I am surrounded by others that mirror my authenticity and integrity. I have an abundant army that is making my dreams come true. This force around me is magical.
20) I release all patterns of getting out of shape/getting fat and catching diseases from my family timeline. I allow me and my present and future generations to be fit and healthy and sexy in all ages.
21) I am releasing all generational curses, evil eye, jealousy and bad will from my family timeline. I am a clean slate now. I am light and free and safe to be in my light.
22) I am releasing self-doubt from my timeline. I increase faith in me and my upcoming generations with the outstanding work I do and the person I become. My light shines everywhere.
23) I am healing all hormonal imbalances and karma of surgeries from my timeline. I live a healthy life to the end.
24) I am healing all patterns of untimely and early deaths due to sickness or accident or any other reasons from my family line. All live well n healthy to the end.
25) I am disrupting the pattern of brokenness in my family as I speak.
26) I am breaking patterns of control, manipulation, lying and blame shifting from past, present and future timelines.
27) I am releasing generational jealousy of my elder’s towards my youth and vitality, slim body and beauty from past, present and future timelines.
28) I am releasing generational jealousy ofmy youngsters towards my youth, vitality, slim body n beauty from past, present and future timelines.
29) I am releasing all generational curses on my abundance by my mother's and father's side of family from past, present and future timelines.
30) I am releasing all curses of abundance I have directed towards my mother's and father's side of family from past, present and future timelines.
31) I am releasing all jealousy n envy for generations directed towards me by my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
32) I am releasing all jealousy n envy for generations I have directed towards my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
33) I am releasing my generational anger towards my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
34) I am releasing generational anger directed towards me by my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
35) I am releasing all generational lust of mine towards my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
36) I am releasing all generational lust towards me by my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
37) I am releasing all generational gluttony n over indulgence in food and alcohol from past, present and future timelines.
38) I am releasing all generational Greed from my mother's and father's timeline from past, present and future timelines.
39) I am releasing all generational stealing and possessiveness from my mother's and father's family from past, present and future timelines.
40) I am releasing all generational curses carried forward towards becoming a billionaire by my father's n mother's side from past, present and future timelines.
41) I am releasing generational sloth n laziness carried forward in becoming a billionaire from past, present and future timelines.
42) I am releasing all generational jealousy in using my genius to fulfil all earthly desires and achieve moksha from past, present and future timelines.
43) I am releasing all generational curses, bad will, evil eyes, jealousy, obstacles in my growth and abundance n my excellence to live all earthly desires and achieve moksha from past, present and future timelines.
44) I am releasing all generational vikaars n vices that don't let me fulfil my purpose of life, my four pillars of human life-Artha dharma Kama Moksha from past, present and future timelines.
45) I am releasing of all generational karma of losing spouse early on in life from past, present and future timelines.
A daily dose of these affirmations will surely make an inner and outward shift. Infact, don’t you feel abundant already? It took me many years to get to this list. Just used my copywriting skills to make it simple for the deserving like you. Because if you are still with me and all this is making sense to you, you must have done a lot of hard work too. Congratulations!
And as George Bernard Shaw puts it: "Life is no 'brief candle' for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations."
If you feel, you were born in a toxic family, make it your responsibility to break this legacy. Your only goal should be ‘the pain stops here’. Give your future generations a legacy of freedom.
Here is a beautiful prayer I found on internet. *
Prayer to break free from Generational Curses
Heavenly Father,
I have been confronted with so many situations in my life, circumstances that had previously affected my parents and grandparents. I plead for your Holy Spirit to bind and break the stronghold of these generational curses. Purge and destroy these weaknesses that have been passed through the blood from generation to generation.